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Meeting of Directors General

Dear colleague,
I take pleasure in inviting you to the 22nd Meeting of the Directors-General for Civil Protection from the EU Member States, EEA countries and candidate countries. The Meeting will be held in Prague from 22 until 24 April 2009 at the TOP Hotel Praha.
The draft programme of the Meeting, practical information for the participants, instructions for on-line registration and registration form are enclosed. I would like to ask you to register no later than 16 March 2009.
All the information regarding the meeting is also available at http//www.hzscr.cz/presidency.
The meeting agenda will be sent to you directly by the European Commission.
Any requests for information or clarification concerning the Meeting could be addressed to Lenka Uhlířová (telephone: +420 950 819 863 or e-mail: lenka.uhlirova@grh.izscr.cz) or to Daniel Dittrich (telephone: +420 950 819 876 or e-mail: daniel.dittrich@grh.izscr.cz).
I believe that the meeting gives us the opportunity to support and encourage the future developments of Civil Protection in Europe and that the discussion will be an inspiring and fruitful one.
I am looking forward to seeing you in Prague.
Yours sincerely,
Miroslav Štěpán

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