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Meeting of Directors General

We recommend you that you book a flight or train that arrives in Prague on Wednesday, 22 April before 14:00. Delegates will be met at the Prague-Ruzyně Airport in Arrival Halls of Terminals 1 or 2; or in Arrival Hall of the Prague Main railway station by the conference organizers. Transport will be organised from the airport or the railway station to the TOP Hotel Praha. The journey takes approximately 45 minutes.
Should the participants arrive directly to the TOP Hotel Praha, please follow the transportation instructions at the hotel’s web page: http://www.tophotel.cz/en/footer-menu/transportation-to-the-hotel/.
Transportation for scheduled events away from the meeting venue will be provided by buses. We are unable to meet any requests for transport outside the timeframe of the meeting or beyond Prague.
We will arrange also the transport from the meeting venue to the Prague – Ruzyně Airport or the Prague Main railway station on Friday, 24 April after lunch. Please note that after transfer from the hotel to the Prague – Ruzyně Airport or the Prague Main railway station on 24 April, organizers will not provide any further transport.

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