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For those interested in studying at the Higher Vocational Fire School (VOŠ PO)


Form of Study: Blended (alternation of full-time and distance education)

Duration of Study: 3 years (divided into 6 periods – semesters)

Completion of Study: Final examination (Absolutorium)

Degree Awarded: DiS. (after the name)

Language of Instruction: Czech language

Optional Foreign Language: English or German

Tuition: The study is free of charge

 Organization of studies:

During one semester, there are three weekly consultations for in-person teaching (from 7:00 AM do 3:50 PM).

In the third year of study, besides theoretical preparation, there is practical training in the from of daily professional practice, totaling 100 hours.

This practice is organized at the workplaces of the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic and regional offices based on a contract that specifies the content and scope of professional practice.

Each academic year is divided into winter and summer semesters.

Subjects for each semester are concluded with an examination, classification, or graded credit.

Examinations, classified credits, and credits are conducted during the self-study period to obtain classification within the regular term (referred to as the “examination period”).

For the winter semester, the examination period is in January, while for the summer semester, it is in June, except for the third year, which has the examination period set in May.

Approximately in mid-June, the graduation ceremony (absolutorium) takes place.

Graduate Employment: A graduate becomes a professionally qualified person according to § 11 of Act No. 133/1985 Coll., on Fire Protection, as amended. According to Act No. 455/1991 Coll., on Trade Licensing (Trade Licensing Act), as amended, individuals, who are professionally qualified in fire protection can engage in the regulated trade of “Technical-Organizational Activities” in the field of fire protection.

An absolvent (graduate) acquires professional qualification according to § 72 of Act No. 133/1985 Coll., on Fire Protection, as amended (referred to as the “Fire Protection Act”). This qualification is based on relevant provisions of Decree No. 247/2001 Coll, issued by the Ministry of the Interior, which governs the organization and activities of fire protection units, as well as internal regulations of the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic. These internal regulations specify the requirements for obtaining professional qualification for school graduates. Professional qualification according to § 72 of the Fire Protection Act is a prerequisite for performing functions in fire protection units and within the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic.

The educational program “Prevention of Risks and Rescue” is focused on the latest knowledge in the field of fire protection, crisis management, and civil protection. It prepars graduates for performing managerial and technical functions or activities within the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic, fire protection units, and other organization involved in fire protection, crisis management, and civil protection. This includes areas such as prevention, planning, and management of extraordinary events. Additionally, graduates acquire the necessary language education.

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