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Statistical Yearbook 2007

Fire units activities, Emergency calls, Fires, Prevention, Humanitarian assistance, Economic Indicators, Foreign statistics, Materials and information, Types of incidents with fire units interventions and Notes 

According to Article 7 (1b) of the Law No. 239/2000 on Integrated Rescue System, the Ministry of Interior is involved in engagement of the Czech Republic into international rescue operations in emergencies abroad and in providing humanitarian assistance abroad, in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Moreover, according to Article 7 (2i) of the Law, the Ministry of Interior decides in agreement with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the humanitarian assistance, provided by the State to foreign countries and on engagement into international rescue operations. Details are given by implementary regulations No. 463/2000 and No. 527/2002. 

Financial resources, allocated by the Government for the current year in state budget into a bound reserve for humanitarian assistance of the General Cash Administration, fund the State humanitarian assistance of the Czech Republic to foreign countries. For 2007 the amount of CZK 70 million (EUR 2.5 million) had been allocated. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs takes financial resources from this bound reserve, and regularly informs the Government on these spending.

In 2007, the Czech Republic provided financial humanitarian assistance to 26 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America (Afghanistan, Sudan, Iraq, Bolivia, Solomon Islands, Zambia, Malaysia, Mozambique, Sri Lanka, Serbia – Kosovo, Yemen, Albania, FYROM, Peru, Nepal, North Korea, Uganda, Dominican Republic, Belize, Ghana, Caribbean, Bangladesh and Palestinian autonomy territory).

The Czech Republic provided material humanitarian assistance of 2 millions CZK to Albania and FYROM, stricken by major fires in July 2007. Provided material – 100 pieces of helmets for FYROM, 120 pairs of intervention boots and 120 pairs of protective gloves for Albania – was in both countries targeted to firefighters. Members of the Czech Fire & Rescue Service transported the material by cars and handed over on 31 July 2007 in FYROM, and on 1 August 2007 in Albania.

Another material humanitarian assistance of 4.2 millions CZK was approved by the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Moldavia in August 2007. Provided material – seed for sowing of winter wheat –was destined to the agricultural areas heavily damaged by drought. Moldavian side appreciated quick reaction of the Czech Republic and quality of the seed for sowing.

Humanitarian assistance to Sudan was provided three times in 2007, on the whole. In February, financial amount of 5 million CZK was sent via the UN World Food Programme, the same amount was sent in June via European Commission – AMIS, and in August direct assistance of 0.5 million CZK was provided to HART humanitarian organisation.

More information on humanitarian assistance, and more details not only from 2007 events can be found in the www.usar.cz website. For 2008 the amount of CZK 75 million (EUR 2.7 million) has been allocated

Number of cases
Number of countries
Sum in million CZK

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