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Statistical Yearbook 2009 - (II.)

Fire units activities, Emergency calls, Fires, Prevention, Humanitarian assistance, Economic Indicators, Foreign statistics, Materials and information, Types of incidents with fire units interventions and Notes 

Fire - fire intervention on each type of burning, which causes death or injury of persons or animals, or damages the material values. As fire is considered also undesirable burning, in which people, animals or material values or the environment are immediately threatened.
Traffic accident - intervention of emergency services in transport - collision of transport means, which requires emergency rescue work, or disposal of traffic accidents. If in intervention prevail other activities, e.g. due to leakage of HazMat into the environment, the intervention is classified according to of this nature.

Intervention in the accident with subsequent fire is considered as a fire. As traffic accident is considered also the intervention, where fire units only extricated means of transport from areas outside communications (pulled wreckage, vehicle outside the road etc.), removing only small effects of an accident (cleaning of communications or elimination leaked substances like operating fillings of vehicles, etc.).
Natural disaster – fire units’ intervention to an incident resulting from harmful effects caused by horizontal natural influences that threaten lives, health, property or the environment - floods, flooding, storms, snow, ice, windstorm, wind, landslides, earthquakes etc. (connected with declaration of state of danger, the degree of flood activity etc.) in which fire units carry out rescue and liquidation work.
Leakage of HazMat - fire units’ intervention in an incident associated with an unwanted release of hazardous chemicals including oil products (during production, transport or handling) and other substances. Fire units’ intervention is conducted to limit or reduce risk of uncontrolled leakage of flammable, explosive, corrosive, toxic, harmful, radioactive and other hazardous substances, petroleum products, or other substances (natural gas, acids and their salts, lye, ammonia, etc.) into the environment, including serious accidents according to Section 2 of the Act on prevention of serious accidents.
(Note: hazardous substance - see Act No. 157/1998 Coll. on chemical substances and chemical preparations and amending certain other laws, in later version.)
Leakage of oil products (oil accident) - fire units’ intervention after the incident with leakage only oil products (gasoline, fuel or oil). In case these substances leaked from operating fillings of vehicles in traffic accidents, are classified as "transport
accident ".
Technical accident - fire units’ intervention to eliminate the hazard or hazardous conditions, large-scale or serious consequences to the health of people, animals or property (other than a natural disaster), such as destruction of the object.

Technical assistance - fire units’ intervention to eliminate hazards or dangerous conditions, among small-scale technology assistance and traffic accidents, for example:
  • Extrication of persons from a lift
  • Emergency opening of the apartment,
  • Removing obstacles from roads and other areas
  • Opening of locked areas
  • Disposal of felled trees, electrical wires etc.
  • Ventilation of spaces
  • Rescue of people and animals
  • Water pumping, water closing, and water supply
  • Assistance in searching trap systems
  • Provisional or other repairs,
  • Extrication or release of items (including work on water surface)
  • Monitoring of chemical concentration or radiation.
Technological assistance - fire units’ intervention to eliminate hazards or dangerous conditions in technological operations of companies.
Other assistance - fire units’ intervention, which cannot be defined as a technical accident, technical or technological assistance, such as removal or transportation of a patient or a physician, monitoring of watercourses, checking if road are passable (except natural disasters) or request of other services (both directly and indirectly provided assistance).
Radiation accidents and incidents - fire units’ intervention after the incident related to an improper release of radioactive substances or ionising radiation (see definition in Section 2 of Act No. 18/1997 Coll., and Section 5 of Decree No. 318/2002 Coll.).
Other incident - fire units’ intervention in other emergencies such as epidemics or disease, to ensure suspect shipments, and all interventions for events that cannot be classified as above mentioned.

False alarm - fire units’ intervention after reporting a fire or other emergency, which wasn’t confirmed.

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