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Summary Magazine 112 year 2017

January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December 

Film scenery in fire at Barrandov
On 26th August last year a fire of film sceneries for a foreign historical series from the Middle Ages occurred in the area of the Barrandov Studios in Prague. The intervention was complicated by presence of pressure vessels on site, radiant heat, and high density of toxic smoke. The extinguishing operation was supported from air by a helicopter of the Czech Police. p. 4

Helmet diving and emergency response
In the end of November last year, the Rescue Unit of the Fire & Rescue Service of the Czech Republic in collaboration with diving instructors of the Olomouc FRS prepared the eight-day diving training for divers of FRS CR. The main goal was to gain new proficiency for the 3rd degree divers within two consecutive courses „Surface Support Technician" and "Surface Supplied Diving / Helmet diving." p.12

Tactical exercise on the Švandovo Theatre in Smíchov
Actors of the Švandovo Theatre in Smíchov observed smoke on the premises of the stage and the auditorium during the morning performance on 7th November 2016. They immediately informed the theatre’s fire watch, which announced the evacuation and reported a fire on the emergency line. In this case, it was a tactical exercise for 38 firefighters from five fire units of the Prague Fire & Rescue Service, the Prague Emergency Medical Service, and the Czech Police. p.16

Symposium on Protection against Biological and Chemical Warfare Agents
The 12th International Symposium of Protection against Biological and Chemical Warfare Agents was held last year in Stockholm. Main organizers were the Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI), Swedish Armed Forces and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. p. 18

New containers for emergency survival
This year the Administration of State Material Reserves purchased four kits of containers for emergency survival for use by the Fire & Rescue Service of the Czech Republic. The containers are designed for rapid and efficient intervention in case of emergencies, whose occurrence and extent can be difficult to predict. They are supposed to serve for short-term rapid effective and immediate assistance to the population. p. 20

Events of 2016 vs. Protection of Population
This conference is traditionally held before Christmas in the Institute of Population Protection of FRS CR in Lázně Bohdaneč. On 14th and 15th December 2016 it was a symposium of experts in various professions that somehow relate to protection of population. p. 26

Firefighters as a part of the ITEP Tourism Fair
Preventive-educational work is among the basic tasks of the Fire & Rescue Service of the Czech Republic. Ways, how to reach specific target groups of population, lead across a diverse range of events organized by the FRS CR.  Firefighters are quite often asked also for cooperation in events organized by various organizations. p. 30

Professionalization of drivers of IRS CR
This three-year project (2016 - 2018) covers special courses of safe driving joined with solving some demanding driving situations for approximately 25,000 members of  the Fire & Rescue Service of the Czech Republic and the Czech Police. The project was established on the basis of an agreement between the Ministry of Interior and the Czech Insurers' Bureau, and is financed from the Loss Prevention Fund of CIB. Total costs are planned at nearly 100 million CZK (i.e. 3.7 million EUR). p. 35

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