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Summary Magazine 112 year 2017

January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December 

Fire of a galvanizing line
On 27th October 2016 morning a fire occurred in a hall with galvanising line of the Tesla Karlín company in Prague. The intervention demanded considerable efforts of all intervening forces, especially firefighters from 16 fire units. Damage caused by fire ultimately reached tens of millions of Czech crowns, however, the intervention managed to prevent the spread to other objects, and thus protect the property of considerable value. P. 4

Novelty in equipment of post-traumatic care team
At the beginning of this year firefighters of the Zlín region FRS got a new and somewhat unique tool – an emergency backpack for members of post-traumatic care team. P. 10

Seminar on special fire supervision
First seminar for authorities, which will carry out special fire supervision from 1st August 2017, was held on 31st January 2017 in the building of MI, General Directorate of the Fire & Rescue Service of the Czech Republic. The participants of this seminar came from all over the country. P. 11

New fire equipment in in Brno Fire School
In the end of 2016 the Brno Fire School of FRS CR modernized its fleet. The teachers-instructors welcomed the new firefighting equipment after nine years. It is the AZ 30 automotive ladder on IVECO chassis with MAGIRUS bodywork. P. 12

Disaster prevention is more effective than liquidation
The cycle of seminars Disaster prevention - protecting people and the environment is organised by the Czech National Committee for Disaster Reduction, in cooperation with the Czech Association for Environmental Management. In December last year a workshop entitled Disaster risks and possibilities of reduction was held in the Town Hall of Prague 9. P. 22

Population protection from hazardous substances
The 16th International Conference on Population Protection - Hazardous substances 2017 was held in the auditorium of the VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava on 1st and 2nd February 2017. Lections mentioned also climate changes and environmental safety in connection with the protection of population. P. 26

Training for specialists from countries of the East African Community
In November 2016 a training of chemical specialists from the East African Community (EAC) took place in the Ugandan Regional Deployment Capability Centre (URDCC) in Jinja, Uganda. Practical training for participants from the states of Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda was held by experts from the Institute of Population Protection of FRS CR. The event was held under the auspices of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), which won the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize. P. 28

2016 Competition Day of IRS
Zero year of the motion and knowledge contest for students of eighth grade schools of the Zlín Region in safety topics was held on 11th October 2016 in the Amfík Bukovina premises in Popovice near Uherské Hradiště. P. 31

Solemn tribute for IRS bodies
For eight years the ice-hockey players of the Sparta Praha HC regularly pay homage to bodies of the Integrated Rescue System (IRS). This January it was in two home games with Třinec and Olomouc. In both matches Sparta players wore special dresses reminiscent of the uniforms of emergency medical services, and played with special pucks, which all together were given to the auction. The proceeds were then forwarded to the account pf the Police Officers and Firefighters Foundation - Mutual Assistance in Distress and the Military Solidarity Fund. P. 33

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