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Summary Magazine 112 year 2019

January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December 

Waves of heat and lack of extinguishing water
The Balance Press Conference of the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic for 2018 took place in the seat of DG FRS CR in Prague on 4 January 2019. The chief fire officers evaluated activities of FRS CR in the past year, and informed Czech media representatives about main tasks for 2019.
p. 2

Základna 2018 Tactical Exercise
The Department of Population Protection and Crisis Management of the Prague Fire Rescue Service in cooperation with the Prague City Hall organized the Základna (i.e. Base) tactical exercise from 13 to 16 September 2018. The exercise focused on the operation of the Material Base of Humanitarian Assistance took place in the premises of the Bohnice Psychiatric Hospital in Prague.
p. 24

Voluntary firefighters and automated defibrillators in their armament?
One of the usual motivation to join the community's voluntary fire brigade is responsibility and the desire to help fellow citizens and the community. But these activities are not only about firefighting or removing grabbed trees. Voluntary firefighters make a significant contribution to protecting health and saving lives in sudden life-threatening conditions, such as sudden arrest of circulation.
p. 11

HazMat Protect 2018
The HazMat Protect 2018 Conference, the third in the row, has become a traditional part of activities under the auspices of the National Institute for Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Protection (NINCBP), and the Ministry of Interior - General Directorate of the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic (MI, DG of FRS CR). The conference is focused primarily on applied research and knowledge implementation.
p. 32

Interaction of magnetic field with flames
This article presents up-to-date research findings and experimental results to verify the influence of magnetic fields on the behaviour of flames in combustion of various flammable substances.    
p. 13

112 Emergency Call Centre Operators. Who calls and what to decide on?
The basis for the 112 Emergency Call Centre operators work is effective communication in challenging situations. Their main prerequisites are resistance to stress, decisiveness, and patience, ability to listen and to communicate.
p. 17
Analysis of persons killed in direct connection with a fire
Number of people died in fires seems to be an elemental tracking figure indicating the fatal effects of this element. However, the concept itself and the overall philosophy of monitoring this phenomenon brings many pitfalls and a certain fragmentation, not only within the FRS CR, but also around the world.
p. 7

FRS CR increased its readiness to address and manage risks of climate change
In the years 2016 – 2019 the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic implements the project called "Increasing of Preparedness of the FRS CR for the Solution and Management of Risks Due to Climate Change", which is implemented with co-financing from the European Structural and Investment Funds, specifically from the Integrated Regional Operational Program for 2014-2020.
p. 19

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