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Summary Magazine 112 year 2019

January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December 

Fire of the trampoline centre
On 9th November 2018 at 8.10 pm the Regional Operational and Information Centre of the Fire Rescue Service of Prague received the information on a fire of the sports hall in the trampoline centre in Kolbenova Street. The operational officer decided to declare the second stage of fire alarm. Predestined fire units and the command officer of the shift were sent to the site. The cause of the fire is under investigation.
p. 4

Red Rooster 2019 - the conference with record attendance
The Red Roaster 2019 (i.e. Červený kohout) international conference of fire protection was held in České Budějovice, South Bohemia, in the days of 2nd and 3rd April 2019. This 22nd year was held under the auspices of Col. Daniel Miklós, Deputy General Director of Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic. A record 350 participants met in the Clarion Congress Hotel České Budějovice.
p. 6

Risk level of electro technical sources from the viewpoint of fire protection
The pursuit of mobility and the autonomy of electrical equipment is at its peak today, and in the coming years it is not even possible to think of a downward trend. In every home there are often dozens of different batteries, whose functionality and safety is taken for granted.
p. 8

New polygon for training fire units
The training polygon for firefighters was inaugurated on Tuesday 19th March 2019, attended by representatives of the Hradec Králové Region, the Fire Rescue Service of the Hradec Králové Region, the town of Rychnov nad Kněžnou and the contractor. The equipment is designed to simulate complex variations of interventions, especially those in hazardous industrial environment with very high temperatures, with using breathing apparatus and protective clothing.
p. 19
Humanitarian aid to Iran
Since mid-March, Iran has faced extensive floods. More than 12 million populations were endangered in flood-affected area, and two million people directly in need of humanitarian aid have found themselves in the affected areas. On 8th April 2019, the EU Civil Protection Mechanism (EUCPM) was activated following a request from the Iranian authorities. The Czech Republic offered material humanitarian aid in the form of tents, sleeping bags, blankets, power generators and sludge pumps (namely: 16 power generators, 16 sludge pumps, 480 blankets, 96 sleeping bags with liner, and 16 tents). Other European Member States that also offered assistance to Iran were Austria, France, Italy and Slovakia.
p. 24

Emergency events dealt at European Union level
The Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC) did not address any new activation of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism in the first months of this year. In the early spring, there were already regular tropical storms that hit the South East Asian region every year, but the ERCC only monitored the situation in the area. However, the calm period of natural disasters changed in early March, when Idai tropical cyclone began to form in the Strait of Mozambique.
p. 26

Educational program
In 2017, the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic received accreditation from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports as part of the system for the further education of pedagogical staff for a new training program called Preparation of Schools and School Facilities for Emergencies. Its participants should gain basic legal ground in the area of school preparation for emergencies and crisis situations, basic background, and practical information on how to manage such events.
p. 28

Firefighter of the Year 2018
On 11th April 2019, the 10th jubilee Firefighter of the Year was held in the Spanish Hall of the Prague Castle. The best interventions, projects, firefighters, employees and teams were waiting for their awards.
p. 30

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