Hasičský záchranný sbor České republiky  

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Flood situation in the Czech Republic

Intensive rainfall in whole area of the Czech Republic cause rapid increase of river levels. During Saturday evening 1 June 2013 small rivers and after that also bigger rivers start to overflow. Third level of flood activity were reached in Pilsen Region, South-Bohemian Region, Middle-Bohemian Region, Královéhradecký Region and Ústecký Region. Translation: Iva Brejzová 

Flood situation in the Czech Republic No. 14

Intensive rainfall in whole area of the Czech Republic cause rapid increase of river levels. During Saturday evening 1 June 2013 small rivers and after that also bigger rivers start to overflow. Third level of flood activity was reached in Pilsen Region, South-Bohemian Region, Middle-Bohemian Region, Královéhradecký Region and Ústecký Region.

Immediately after origin of first emergencies fire-units were deployed, including units of Integrated Rescue System. From 8.00 on 2nd June 2013 there is announced central coordination of rescue and clean-up operation coordinated by MoI – General Directorate of Fire and Rescue Service of the Czech Republic which fulfill and coordinates needs of stricken regions.

Czech government announced emergency state from 21.00 SEC on 2 June 2013 for 7 regions (South-Bohemian, Pilsen, Middle-Bohemian, Liberecky, Kralovehradecky, Ustecky, Prague) which is half area of the Czech Republic. Situation is coordinated by Minister of Interior and Central Crisis Staff.
Rescue flood operations are operated by Fire and Rescue Service of the Czech Republic and fire-units. On the whole area of the Czech Republic 7 578 emergencies were operated by fire units (professional and volunteer) and 22.000 firemen (professional and volunteer) were deployed. There are 11 dead persons in a total as a result of floods.
All regions cope with disaster by their own means. Within central coordination of rescue and clean-up operations MoI – General Directorate of Fire and Rescue Service of the Czech Republic centralize resources from non stricken regions and from Rescue Unit of FRS CR.

Situation in regions:

Middle-Bohemian Region

There is third level and second level of flood activity in the region of Melnik.  Decrease of water level is ongoing on all rivers as well as draining from Vltava cascade due to creation of retention area.

There are about 209 villages affected by the floods in this region The clean-up operations continue in the whole region. Pumping of water lagoons is running. Polish high capacity pumping unit is deployed in this region from 23.00 of 7th June 2013 in the village Vrbno. The lagoons got a lot smaller due to the pumping.

Regional crisis staff is monitoring situation, citizens are informed about situation on crisis telephone numbers. They deal with requirements of the affected villages. Information about decision of canceling of the flood measures has been sent to all villages.

Non-government organizations provide humanitarian assistance to people. Czech Army also provides assistance in clean-up operations.


Due to worsening state on the Troja channel (rupture of the dam on the right bank of the watercourse), first level of flood activity is announced from 11th June.  Disassembly of flood barriers has begun. The Czech army provides assistance with the removing the barriers. After flood measure are taken in accordance with agreed flood plan of Prague, flood measures continues in force in 13 parts of Prague.

Mayor of Prague prohibited entrance to parks because of waterlogged ground and danger of falling trees. The underground stations were opened on 9 June.

FRS units are intervening with pumping and providing technical response like felling trees. On the area of Prague 271 soldiers of Czech Army have been deployed to clean-up operations after floods.

Southbohemian Region

Third level of flood activity is still on 1 river (river Vltava in Spolí. Retention area of Lipno, Římov and Husinec dams is empty by now. There are about 309 affected villages. Ponds of the Trebon area are over normal state.

Currently the activities are focused on clean-up operations and the distribution of humanitarian assistance. The situation with potable water remains. There are no other requirements for other rescue means.

The mayors have been provided by the “Crisis Manual for Mayors”.

Pilsen Region

 Water level on Berounka River is decreasing in all areas. There are about 147 villages affected by the floods. Situation is stabilized in this area and there are no requirements for other rescue means.

There is a risk of fall of city walls due to waterlogged soil in the city of Stříbro. The city has prohibited the entry to this area.

The High Capacity pump SOMATI is pumping in this region.   

Královéhradecký Region

Crisis Staff is monitoring of the situation, clean-up operations, communication with mayors, dealing with issues of the damaged bridges, potable water and disinfectants are running. The situation is stabilized. There were request for temporary bridge to the Ministry of Transport from the city of Jaroměř. There is no request for assistance of the Czech Army. 

Ústecký Region

Labe River has culminated in all areas and the water slowly decreases. There is second level of flood activity on Labe in Usti nad Labem and Decin.
FRS units are intervening and pumping with High Capacity pumps, clean-up operations are running. About 77villages were affected by the floods. The pumping unit form Slovakia is deployed in Litomerice.

Preventive measures have been made by regional crisis staff.

Czech army provides assistance in this area. Sunday and Monday intensive rainfalls caused affected other cities and villages in Ustecky region which have not been affected by floods on river Labe yet.

The material for clean-up operations is being ensured by now.

Liberecký Region

Regional crisis staff is monitoring situation in the affected area, they provide preventive measures and they collect information about damages.

There is no flooding level on the rivers. Situation in the region is in normal level.

Villages organize assistance to other Regions.

Deployed units from other regions:

  • Ground forces and resources for evacuation from Rescue Unit of FRS CR are deployed in Middle-Bohemain Region, Ustecky Region.
  • Pyrotechnics are on stand-by level in home stations.
  • 11 high capacity pumps MCS 1500, MCS 600, MCS 400 and HFS are deployed in Middle-Bohemian Region and Ústecký Region.
  • Special technique (Bobcat S650) is deployed in the Middle-Bohemian Region.
  • 6 decontamination units (decontamination of persons) from 6 regions were deployed in the Middle-Bohemian Region. They will provide the washing service for the firefighters and citizens. (they are not deployed for decontamination!)
  • Volunteer units from Southmoravian, Liberecký Region, Pardubický Region and Zlínský Region are deployed in Middle-Bohemian Region and Ústecký Region.

MoI – General Directorate of the Fire and Rescue Service of the Czech Republic is in direct contact with Crisis Staff of all stricken regions, Czech Hydro-Meteorological Authority and with Common Operation Centre of Ministry of Defense.

According to the Central Alerting Plan other resources from Czech Army and Czech Police were activated:

  • Czech Army provides assistance in all regions.
  • Engineer unit from the Czech Army have established the humanitarian base.
  • Helicopters of Czech Police and Czech Army are prepared at the airport in Prague and Prerov,

From 2 June 2013 Logistical base of FRS CR has given out following central supplies:

  • 105.800 pcs sand bags and 54 pcs filling machines,
  • 1.310 pcs air mattresses and 60 pcs pumps,
  • 3.778 air dryers,
  • 7.668 l of desinfection,
  • 92 pcs pumps (floating and keel).

The Czech Republic has accepted the assistance on bilateral level from Poland and Slovakia. We would like to thank you for offers from others countries. Currently we do not need any other assistance.

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