Hasičský záchranný sbor České republiky  

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Flood situation in the Czech Republic

Intensive rainfall in whole area of the Czech Republic cause rapid increase of river levels. During Saturday evening 1 June 2013 small rivers and after that also bigger rivers start to overflow. Third level of flood activity were reached in Pilsen Region, South-Bohemian Region, Middle-Bohemian Region, Královéhradecký Region and Ústecký Region. Translation: Iva Brejzová 

Intensive rainfall in whole area of the Czech Republic cause rapid increase of river levels. During Saturday evening 1 June 2013 small rivers and after that also bigger rivers start to overflow. Third level of flood activity were reached in Pilsen Region, South-Bohemian Region, Middle-Bohemian Region, Královéhradecký Region and Ústecký Region.
Immediately after origin of first emergencies fire-units were deployed, including units of Integrated Rescue System. From 8.00 on 2nd June 2013 there is announced central coordination of rescue and clean-up operation coordinated by MoI – General Directorate of Fire and Rescue Service of the Czech Republic which fulfill and coordinates needs of stricken regions.
Czech government announced emergency state from 21.00 SEC on 2 June 2013 for 7 regions (South-Bohemian, Pilsen, Middle-Bohemian, Liberecky, Kralovehradecky, Ustecky, Prague) which is half area of the Czech Republic. Situation is coordinated by Minister of Interior and Central Crisis Staff.
The most frequent rescue operations are held in South-Bohemian Region, Middle-Bohemian Region, Královehradecký Region, Ústcký Region and in Prague. Operations are focused mainly on:
  • Warning and evacuation of citizens (7105 people were evacuated),
  • Setting up of anti-flood barriers,
  • Rescue of people and property,
  • Pumping of water.

Rescue flood operations are operated by Fire and Rescue Service of the Czech Republic and fire-units. On the whole area of the Czech Republic 2905 emergencies were operated by fire units (professional and volunteer). There are two dead person and three missing as a result of floods (falled cottage – 2, canoeist – 3).

Map with fire-units deployment updated to 3 June 2013 12.00 SEC
All regions cope with disaster by their own means. Within central coordination of rescue and clean-up operations MoI – General Directorate of Fire and Rescue Service of the Czech Republic centralize resources from non stricken regions and from Rescue Unit of FRS CR:
  • Water pumping units from Vysočina Region (deployed in Middle-Bohemian Region), Pardubický Region and South-Moravian Region,
  • Flood Rescue Module using Boats (WASAR) from Moravian-Silesian Region. This module is currently located in Zbiroh waiting for the deployment.
  • Ground forces and resources for evacuation from Rescue Unit of FRS CR in Královéhradecký Region, Middle-Bohemian Region, South Bohemian Region and in Prague.
  • Pyrotechnics from FRB of South-Bohemian Region, Olomoucký region and Rescue Unit of FRS CR are deployed in Prague in order to demolition of pontoon on Vltava river.
  • High capacity pumps MCS 1500 and MCS 400 are deployed in Prague and Middle-Bohemian Region.


MoI – General Directorate of the Fire and Rescue Service of the Czech Republic is in direct contact with Crisis Staff of all stricken regions, Czech Hydro-Meteorological Authority and with Common Operation Centre of Ministry of Defence.
According to the Central Alerting Plan other resources from Czech Army and Czech Police were activated:
  • Czech Army provide assistance in Prague (330 soldiers) with setting up of anti-flood barriers,
  • Ground brigade in Bechyne, Rescue company Rakovnik are ready to be deployed imediatelly after the request,
  • Helicopters of Czech Police and Czech Army are prepared at the airport in Prague and Prerov.

Situation prediction:

  • We expect the culmination of the river Vltava in the Prague today in the evening under the third level of flood activity. The rescue operations are still in need.
  • In the Middle- Bohemian Region, the river Berounka has not still culminated and the prediction of the culmination is probably tomorrow in the morning. There is need for rescue operations. The situation is still critical.
  • Situation in the Ústecký Region is also critical due to the expectation of culmination tomorrow in the evening. The water level is 6 meters higher than normal situation.
  • In the South Bohemian Region the rivers have culminated today and the water level is decreasing. 
  • Rivers have also culminated, the water precipitation is getting lower in the Kralovéhradecký Region.
  • We expect decrease of flood wave and culmination of water flow in following days in all regions, after that we expect bigger needs for water pumping, high capacity pumping of huge flooded areas and requests for dryers from our stocks and from stocks of State Administration of Material Reserve.

The Czech Republic currently is able to cope with disaster and do not request any assistance from abroad.

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