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Summary Magazine 112 year 2017

January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December 

Influence of ventilation in fire investigation in enclosed space
Fires in enclosed space (compartments) are of the most serious in terms of consequences, whether on health or property.  These fires, due to their specific dynamics, pose a danger to intervening firefighters, and that is why fire tactics pay special attention to them.p. 6

Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty
On 20 September 2017 the Institute of International Relations in Prague organized the workshop on current development of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, which was adopted by the UN conference in New York on 7 July 2017.   
Negotiating the treaty, however, was boycotted by all nuclear-weapon states and most of their allies and partner countries to which they provide nuclear protection, including the Czech Republic. p. 11

Innovation in dealing with consequences of emergencies
In the days of 6 and 7 September 2017 the 26 annual of the Fire Protection 2017 International Conference was held in Ostravě. This time, the program was focused on innovation in dealing with consequences of emergencies. p. 12

Fire Safety of Buildings 2017?  How to tackle fire in the 21 century
On Thursday 21 September 2017 the second annual Conference on Fire Safety of Buildings 2017 was held as a part of the FOR ARCH International Fair in Prague. The topics were the issues of wooden structures, cables, and fire safety equipment within escape routes. p. 14

Using Thermal Analysis Methods in fire protection
The Department of Research and Development of the Technical Institute of Fire Protection in Prague operates a large number of analytical and fire tests.  One important group of tests are methods of thermal analysis, which allow to comprehensively describe and evaluate the behaviour of materials during heating.  Measured data can be used in prevention area for fire safety design of buildings, in  the field of detection of causes of fires in formation of fire technical expertise, and for mathematical modelling of solid and liquid combustion. p. 16

Exchange of valuable experience
From 2 to 9 May 2017 a working visit of representatives of the Fire & Rescue Service of the Czech Republic was realized in Shanghai, the People's Republic of China.  At the invitation of the Office of the Earthquake Emergency this business trip was attended by the Deputy Director General, the Director of the FRS of the Vysočina Region, the head of Operation Centre of the FRS of the Vysočina Region, and a Foreign Relations assistant of the MI-DG FRS CR. p. 18

Strategic objectives of the development of the Czech Fire & Rescue Service
On 20 September 2017 the meeting of the leadership of the Fire & Rescue Service of the Czech Republic at the level of senior management of the MI-DG FRS CR, the regional directors of FRSs, the fire station commanders and others who deal with the issue of the Integrated Rescue System was held. The Strategy for the Development of the Fire & Rescue Service of the Czech Republic until 2021 with a view to 2030 was only one of the topics of the workshop attended by more than 300 firefighters from the whole country. p. 21

News of chemical service VI 
Despite the high level of chemical survey tools and field analyses of chemicals that are available in TACHP (Technical Automobile CHemical in chemical and radiation Survey), some expert activities of response units of chemical laboratories of the Fire & Rescue Service of the Czech Republic remained uncovered. These were air sampling, elemental analysis of samples of unknown composition, etc. These shorter sections were solved by the funds of the Administration of State Material Reserves by up-dating TACHP vehicles. p. 24

ZONE 2017 Exercise
In the days of 15 to 17 May 2017, the ZONE 2017 exercise of crisis management bodies took place in outer zone of emergency planning of the Dukovany nuclear power plant. The exercise was focused on practicing the activities of selected central administrative authorities, authorities of the Vysočina Region and the South Moravian Region, the Integrated Rescue System bodies, and other entities in solving the event caused by a simulated incident at the Dukovany Nuclear Power Plant. p. 26
Current incidents at European Union level
Emergency responses at international level are provided by the European Union with timely and effective assistance to the affected European countries, but also beyond.  Through the Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC) and thanks to the sophisticated mechanism the effective cooperation of states in coordination and disaster response goes effectively. The ERCC ensures continuous monitoring of the situation and effective response to it. p. 30

 FOREST FIRE 2017 exercise
The Karlovy Vary Region together with the Liberec Region are the most forested areas in the Czech Republic.  According to the Institute for Forest Management, nearly forty-four per cent of the area in the Karlovy Vary Region belongs to  the forest massifs.  If we add increasingly prolonging periods without precipitation, high risk of forest fires here calls for appropriate preparedness to combat large forest fires in the contingency plan. p.35

Thanks by music
On 27 September 2017 the thanksgiving St Wenceslas´ concert was held in the St Vitus, Wenceslas and Adalbert Cathedral in Prague Castle. It was a thanksgiving to all fans of the Police and Firefighters Foundation - Mutual Assistance in Need. On the program was German Requiem by Johannes Brahms with Ms. Miroslava Časarové and Mr. František Zahradníček as soloists, the Prague Mixed Choir, and the CTU Choir accompanied by the Prague Castle Guard Orchestra and the Czech Police Orchestra under the command of Colonel Václav Blahunka. p. 36

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