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Statistical Yearbook 2009 - (II.)

Fire units activities, Emergency calls, Fires, Prevention, Humanitarian assistance, Economic Indicators, Foreign statistics, Materials and information, Types of incidents with fire units interventions and Notes 

Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic fulfils its tasks in the scope and on the conditions determined by the Law on Fire Rescue Service of CR, by Fire Law, by the Law on Integrated Rescue System and by the Law on Crisis Management. Through 239 fire stations the Fire Rescue Service of CR fulfils also the tasks of fire units. Fire units fulfil their tasks in the area of fire protection, Integrated Rescue System and newly also in the area of population protection.(
The efficiency is illustrated by relations between state budget expenditures on activities of the FRS CR, fire units II and fire units III, and losses and salvaged values in fires, as given in the following table.
Economical indicators in 2005-2009 (Table)
* Assessment according to data of the Czech Statistics Authority for nine months of 2009
  • Losses vs. GNP in Czech Republic in comparison with foreign countries are among the lowest. This effect is mainly due to the fact, that in more than 60 % fire cases the nearest operating fire unit is located in the distance of less than five kilometres from the accident place.
  • The table has not included values salvaged during fire units interventions in other emergencies, as - opposite to fires - no reliable methodology is available to assess the effects of other interventions

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