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Summary Magazine 112 year 2022

January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December 

Forty skiers rescued from cable car
The deployment of firefighters - climbers required an emergency in Přemyslov, the Šumperk District. The Regional Operational and Information Centre of the Olomouc Region FRS received a notification of a cable car failure in a nearby ski resort on Sunday 6th February 2022. As many as 130 people got stuck on a cable car that stopped working for an unknown reason; forty of them had to be evacuated by seven climbing groups using climbing equipment.
P. 6

Paramedics of the Zlín Region FRS completed their annual training
In previous months, firefighters-paramedics from all fire stations of the Fire Rescue Service of the Zlín Region completed instructional and methodical training focused on providing pre-medical first aid and cooperation in patient care. Total of fifty firefighters on-duty in fire units deployed throughout the Zlín Region underwent the training.
P. 12

Overview of certification in the Technical Institute of Fire Protection in 2021
The Technical Institute of Fire Protection in Prague carries out conformity assessment of most specified and non-specified products in the field of fire protection technology, fire protection equipment and fire extinguishers. Despite the ongoing covid-19 pandemic and associated restrictions, twice as many certificates and certifications were issued in 2021 as in the previous year.
P. 15

History and direction of the Panel of Humanitarian Organizations of the Ústí Region
The task of the Panel is to coordinate the activities of members of non-governmental organizations, provide services in mitigation of emergencies and crises, in evacuation, rescue of people, during their residency in evacuation centres and in return back to their homes. During the covid-19 pandemic, negotiations took place by videoconference every two weeks, and members exchanged information about activities of individual organizations.
P. 20

Emergencies dealt with at European Union level
Since mid-January 2022, north-eastern Argentina has been afflicting by forest fires, which have the potential to destroy up to 800,000 hectares. In southern Paraguay, forest fires have left dozens of dead livestock and thousands of hectares of burned forests and pastures since January 2022. Outside of forest fires, since October 2021 all of South America has faced a huge heath wave and drought.
P. 32

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