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Summary Magazine 112 year 2017

January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December 

Director General of FRS CR visited FRS of the Central Bohemian Region
In the days of 21st and 22nd March 2017 Major General Drahoslav Ryba,  Director General of FRS CR, officially visited the Fire & Rescue Service of the Central Bohemian Region. At first, the CEO met with leaders of the FRS of the Central Bohemian Region, then he continued with visits of several fire stations. p. 5

Summary of methodological regulations for operation of fire units
The Czech Fire Chief Officers Association (ČAHD) in cooperation with the Directorate-General of the Fire & Rescue Service of the Czech Republic has again set up the Summary of Methodological Regulations for the Operation of Fire Units as part of the training. This was updated on CD-ROM in December 2016 as the 13th Edition. p. 11

Critical assessment of new risk analysis methodology and its application in the Liberec Region
During 2016 the "Threat Analysis" task force of the Fire & Rescue Service of the Czech Republic (FRS CR) completed and presented the methodology of the risk assessment process at state, regional, and municipalities with extended competence levels. The main objective was to unify the approach to hazard identification, and to assess possible impacts across the Czech Republic. p. 16

How to customize and enhance resilience
The Climate Adaptation Seminar in the Czech Republic was organized by the Environmental Center of the Charles University under the auspices of the Ministry of the Environment on 9th February 2017 in the Balling Hall of the National Technical Library in Prague-Dejvice. The main topic of the meeting was assessment and acceptability of measures to reduce the impacts of floods and droughts. p.18

20 years of Red Rooster Conference
In  the days of 28th and 29th March 2017, the 20th  Fire Protection International Conference, called Červený Kohout (means Red Rooster), took place in the conference rooms of the Clarion Congress Hotel in České Budějovice, South Bohemia. The patronage of this jubilee year was traditionally provided by brig. gen. Miloš Svoboda, the Deputy General Director of the Fire & Rescue Service of the Czech Republic. p. 22

Video project
The Fire & Rescue Service of the Central Bohemian Region has been running a two-year preventive video project called "OČMU" - Protecting a person against common risks and emergencies”. The project is aimed to promote quality education at schools, to work together to unify pupils' knowledge, and to facilitate the orientation of teachers in the given field. The aim of the course is to teach pupils to know how to properly manage these situations, even after years. Secondarily the project represents activities of the bodies of the Integrated Rescue System in the Czech Republic. p. 26

Litoměřice 2017 Firefighting Celebrations
The 7th Firefighting Celebrations will be held on 9th and 10th June 2017 in Litoměřice, Northern Bohemia. This nationwide firefighting event, with the most extensive exhibition of firefighting equipment including old historical machines, and also the state-of-the-art firefighting technology available to the Fire & Rescue Service of the Czech Republic, is the largest and most important event of its kind in the Czech Republic. p. 30

Firefighter of the Year 2016 and Fire Sportsman of the Year 2016
On 12th April 2017, the 8th year of the Firefighter of the Year and the FRS CR Sportsman 2016 took place in the Congress Hall of the Top Hotel Prague. The titles and awards were given to the winners of survey by Mr. Jiří Zmatlík, Deputy Minister of the Interior for the Department of Economics, Strategies and European Funds together with Major General Drahoslav Ryba, General Director of the Fire & Rescue Service of the Czech Republic. p. 32

Practical knowledge from tests of combustion and extinguishing of ignited diesel fuel in the open area
Repeated tests with diesel fuel in an open pit of an open area brought valuable practical insights. For foam extinguishing, different types of nozzles were used. Physical burning values were measured during the tests. For a single ignition there were different amounts of diesel fuel in the pit, from 3,000 to 6,000 liters. Attachment

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