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Czech – Germany flood-protection exercise Albis 2008

18.5.2008, Czech – Germany flood-protection exercise Albis 2008 is approaching to close.  

Last units are just coming back from the exercise Albis 2008 focused on a disaster protection and floods. EU representatives and organizers have come to a conclusion after the first evaluation, that objectives of the exercise has been fulfilled. The exercise Albis 2008 took place in the Czech town Litoměřice from 16 to 18 May 2008. About 500 rescuers and members of the Fire and Rescue Service of the Czech Republic, voluntary fire brigades, Police, Army, Medical Rescue Service of the Czech Republic and other relevant authorities and organizations from the Czech Republic, as well as voluntary units from Federal organization for Technical Relief Service (THW), trained in 6 sectors relief procedures against floods and search and rescue operations. The objectives of the exercise were fulfilled, no accidents and injuries occurred.
Exercise Albis 2008 is co-financed by the European commission and one of its goal was to test the European Mechanism for Civil Protection in almost realistic conditions. Therefore experts from countries of the European Union were included into the exercise. They participated in realisation of scenario of the exercise on one hand and observe and evaluate activities on the exercise field on the other hand. Activities of all participants made a good impression on EU representatives: exercise Albis 2008 gave a perfect view on abilities of involved forces.
This was also observed by distinguished guests, for example Chairperson of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic Dipl.-Eng. Miloslav Vlček, General Director of the Fire and Rescue Service of the Czech Republic (FRS) Maj.-Gen. Dipl.-Eng. Miroslav Štěpán, State Minister of Interior from Saxony Dr. Albrecht Buttolo and chief of the intervention department at Federal organization for Technical Relief Service (THW) Mr. Volker Strotmann.
Both partners, FRS and THW, will now work on detailed analysis after the first positive evaluation of the exercise. The involved participants have already during the exercise proved that they are able to cooperate efficiently at the international level. However, language barriers appeared in some cases that will be solved jointly in the future.
A base for close and successful cooperation was created during the exercise Albis 2008 between FRS and THW. This cooperation is established on flouring and long-lasting agreement. Both parts wish to deepen the partnership through future exercises.
More information can be found at www.albis2008.eu.
Contact details:
Bundesanstalt Technisches Hilfswerk (THW)
Press Secretary: Andrea Wirth
Phone: +49 3447/56 84 50    +49 171/975 94 95
Fire and Rescue Service of the Czech Republic (FRS)
Press Secretary: Petr Kopáček
Phone: +420 602 215 142

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