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Priorities during the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU

Priorities during the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU

Improvements in the Protection of People and Property - Continuous Challenge

The Czech Presidency aims to retain momentum in building European civil protection capabilities for the purpose of ensuring a fast and efficient response to natural and technological risks within Europe and also in the third countries.
One year after the adoption of the crucial documents establishing a Community Civil Protection Mechanism and a Civil Protection Financial Instrument, the Czech Presidency seeks to make further progress in the field of emergency response. In order to implement the requirements of these documents and comply with the request of the European Parliament, the Czech Presidency intends to initiate a broad debate on public awareness in event of major disasters as its main objective.
A) Challenge of public awareness- raising and training in the field of civil protection
Raising the awareness of EU citizens in the event of emergency situations
The aim of the initiative is to raise the awareness of the EU citizens in the field of civil protection to increase knowledge of prevention, of the kinds of warning in emergency situations and of appropriate behaviour during all types of emergencies. Discussion will be held in the three conceptual streams - the training of diplomatic personnel in the field of civil protection and humanitarian aid; public information and education aimed at the EU population; and prevention measures within the EU. The aim of the Czech Presidency is the adoption of the corresponding Council Conclusions at JHA Council in June.
Corresponding seminar:
The Czech Presidency, in cooperation with the European Commission, will organise the seminar on 18 - 20 February 2009 in Brno.
B) Challenge of achieving a more efficient EU emergency response
Critical Infrastructure Warning Information Network (CIWIN)
The Czech Presidency, in cooperation with the Council and the Commission, will continue the work on the establishment of a Critical Infrastructure Warning Information Network (CIWIN).
C) EU Disaster Prevention challenge
Commission Communication on EU disaster prevention
EU disaster prevention is a priority theme within the EU civil protection field in the year 2009. After the adoption of the Commission Communication in early 2009, the Czech Presidency, in close cooperation with the Commission and the Council, will prepare proposals for corresponding Council Conclusions.

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