Ministry of the interior of the Czech Republic  


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Population protection and Crisis management division

Population protection and crisis management division performs specific state administration tasks and coordinates the fulfillment of tasks and measures concerning population protection, crisis management, crisis and contingency planning and economical measures for states of crisis. The division drafts strategies and cooperates with other authorities on implementing assignments stated therein. It also participates on preparation of the Ministry of the Interior crisis plan and completing objectives related to defense planning relevant to the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic. 

  1. Population protection in the Czech Republic
  2. Crisis management in the Czech Republic
Crisis management is, in terms of security policy of the Czech Republic, conceived as a set of managerial activities of crisis management (Government, ministries and other central administrative authorities, the Czech National Bank, regional authorities and other bodies with activities in the regions, the authorities of municipalities with extended powers, and authorities of the municipalities) focused on analysis and evaluation of security risks and planning, organizing, implementing and controlling activities undertaken in preparation for crisis situations and their solutions, or protection of critical infrastructure. In the Czech Republic we distinguish crisis to those that are related or unrelated to the provision of Defence of the Czech Republic against external attack.
The scope and power of emergency management, rights and obligations of legal and natural persons preparing for crisis situations and their solutions are governed by the Act No. 240/2000 Coll., on Crisis Management and amending certain acts (Crisis Act), as amended.
Emergency preparedness is ensured in the organisation (creation of organisational structures, emergency and contingency planning), technical (skills of technique and other material) and competence (education and training).
Solving the crisis situation is particularly associated with the implementation of measures to protect disabled people and their emergency survival, measures to ensure functioning of public administration and critical infrastructure, etc.
On the basis of the Crisis Act a state of danger can be declared by the regional governor as an urgent measure, when lives, health, property, and environment are threatened, provided the intensity does not reach the danger of considerable extent, and it is not possible to avert threats by normal activities of administrative authorities, regional and municipal bodies, IRS bodies or entities of critical infrastructure.
In crisis of considerable extent the Government can declare a state of emergency for the whole country or a part of. When threatened the sovereignty or territorial integrity or its democratic principles, the Parliament of the Czech Republic may declare the state of war, if the Czech Republic is attacked or if it is necessary to fulfil international obligations concerning common defence against aggression.
Crisis management activities are carried out in connection with protection of critical infrastructure. As critical infrastructure is understood an element of critical infrastructure, or a system of elements of critical infrastructure, threat or failure of which would have a serious impact on national security, securing basic necessaries of life, human health or economy of the state.
Elements of critical infrastructure means a structure, facility, means, or public infrastructure, determined by cross-cutting and sectorial criteria in the fields of energy, water supply, food and agriculture, health, transport, communication and information systems, financial market and currency, emergency services and public administration.


Risk Analysis, Annex no. 1

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