Hasičský záchranný sbor České republiky  

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Summary Magazine 112 year 2017

January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December 

Summary Magazine 112 year 2016

January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December 

Handover of the container to Moldova

11. 3. 2015 (Nicole Zaoralová) - The special training facility was built in the frame of development cooperation between Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic and Civil Protection and Emergency Si... 

Letter of Appreciation

On 9 June 2014 the General Directorate of Fire and Rescue Service of the Czech Republic received the undermentioned letter of appreciation from the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Serbia f... 

Flood situation in the Czech Republic

Intensive rainfall in whole area of the Czech Republic cause rapid increase of river levels. During Saturday evening 1 June 2013 small rivers and after that also bigger rivers start to overflow. Third... 

Exercise MODEX Falck Denmark

Early in the morning on Tuesday 29th January 2013 Traumateam ČR returned back home from four days exercise MODEX Falck in Denmark. The exercise was held from 24 to 29 of January 2013 in training centr... 

NATO annual crisis management exercise (CMX 2012)

On 12 - 16 November 2012 was held NATO annual Crisis Management Exercise (CMX 2012). The exercise was designed to practice Alliance crisis management procedures at the strategic political level and to... 

Digital Agenda: Commission calls on Member States to increase awareness of Europe's single emergency number"112"

Brussels, 11 February 2011 (Digital Agenda) - To mark "European 112 Day" on 11th February, the European Commission is urging Member States to step up their efforts to increase public awareness of the ... 


24. 10. 2010 (video) - Cílem INSARAG External Classification bylo posílení efektivity a koordinace pomoci při mezinárodních vyhledávacích a záchranných operacích zejména v oblastech postižených zemět... 


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